The biggest opportunity to improve overall performance in any organization lies with the capabilities of individual managers. Managers make a difference!
Years of working with clients has taught us that this biggest single opportunity comes from managers and employees developing a clear understanding of expectations, short-term goals, resources and priorities.
Great managers find genuine ways to help their employees, recognize the different requirements their performers have, and create a sense of belonging. Yet, in most organizations this does not happen on a consistent basis.
Drive results with “Progress Conversations” & collaboration. Most managers want to bring out the best in their people, but they simply have never been taught how. Performance Management is a system for creating a work environment that facilitates discussions between managers and their employees about short-term goals, resources and priorities. The purpose of a Performance Management program is to achieve an organization’s competitive advantage through improved individual performance. It integrates individual efforts with established corporate, division and team goals through enhanced communication between employees, work teams and managers.
The frequency and quality of those discussions are singularly the best way to increase employee engagement and productivity. Performance Management brings out the best in people while generating the highest value for the organization.
Performance Management takes what we have learned from the best managers and puts it into a focused and digestible format that helps managers develop the right managerial habits. If you’re ready to create ongoing opportunities for managers to coach and support their direct reports as well as a record of accomplishments that can be recognized by the organization, Performance Management might be right for you.
Managers learn:
✅ to provide clear directions to employees
✅ how to facilitate ownership and responsibility for work assignments
✅ how to focus on individual, team and corporate goals in order to maximize results.
Ready to learn more? Let’s talk